Dodge Ram 1500 | Norman, OK 73069 | 1D3HB13P79S754520 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2009  Dodge  Ram 1500
VIN: 1D3HB13P79S754520

Recent Asking Price: $23,900
Estimated Payment: $398
Last Reported Mileage: 22,785
Exterior Color: Austin Tan
Interior Color: Dark Slate
Certified by: PriceClubCars

Vehicle located in Norman, OK 73069
Vehicle Options
4 Doors,4-Wheel Abs Brakes,Air Conditioning,Bed Length - 67.4,Clock - In-Radio Display,Dusk Sensing Headlights,Fuel Economy Epa Highway (Mpg): 19 And Epa City (Mpg): 14,Head Airbags - Curtain 1St And 2Nd Row,Intermittent Window Wipers,Multi-Speed Automatic Transmission,Passenger Airbag,Pickup Bed Type - Regular,Power Heated Mirrors,Power Steering,Power Windows With 2 One-Touch,Privacy/Tinted Glass,Rear-Wheel Drive,Stability Control,Tachometer,Tilt Steering Wheel,Traction Control - Abs And Driveline,Transmission Hill Holder

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